La dernière newsletter du NPCC

Consultez la dernière newsletter du NPCC avec les nouvelles suivantes: 

1. SCORE brings in high satisfaction to local companies
2. Interview of Mr. Kalyan Ganesh, SCORE expert
3. Forward by ED on Enterprise Productivity Solutions Platform
4. Training of trainers for on-the-job-facilitators course highly appreciated
5. InnovEd 2020 on track
6. NLE 2020: In the making of young leaders
7. ELIT reaches women in Riambel
8. Enterprise Productivity Solutions launched to help businesses during the Covid 19 pandemic crisis
9. #morisienprodiktif campaign launched to inspire a productive work from home
10. Webinars to help organisations face Covid-9 challenges
11. #morisienprodiktif billboard
12. NPCC unveils new website
13. Newly constituted council for NPCC

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