The main purpose of the Innovation, Advocacy and Entrepreneurship (IAE) unit is to promote a culture of creativity and productivity, innovation and entrepreneurship among different stakeholders through best practices and high level engagement. The unit involves in the development and implementation of innovative strategies to promote entrepreneurship develppment and entrepreneurship skills to different target groups. Besides, the unit is also active in the field of innovation and in creating original programming to attract stakeholders and developing social entrepreneurship.
Expertise spearheading the unit includes a large spectrum of talents ranging from Design Thinking, to Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Project Management, Creative Industries, Emerging Technologies such as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. Our experts have also the ability to promote leadership including Innovation Management along with legal advisory.
The IAE unit targets different sectors, namely the education sector, business sector and the community at large. It collaborates with various institutions to reach out to employers, workers, students, youth and women with low academic background amongst others.