Management Team

Deveena Boygah
Executive Director
Deveena Boygah

Mrs. Deveena Boygah joined the NPCC on 21 July 2023 as Executive Director. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics with specialisation in International Trade from the University of Pune, India as well as an MBA with specialisation in Marketing from the University of Technology, Mauritius. She also holds a Diploma in Business Administration from the Association of Business Executives (ABE) and an Advanced Diploma in Software Engineering (Honours) from the Aptech Computer Centre, India. She has 23 years of experience in marketing and business consultancy.

Mrs. Boygah has had a long career as an entrepreneur and senior cadre of a number of private companies. She was a Parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS) from 2014 to 2019, member of the Commonwealth Parliamentarian Association (CPA-AFRICA), regional representative of East Africa in the Commonwealth Parliamentarian Association (CWP-AFRICA) as well as member of the Gender Caucus and the Select Committee in the National Assembly.

Besides she was also the Vice-Chairperson of the Human and Social Development Programme in the SADC Parliamentary Forum. Prior to joining the NPCC, she held the post of General Manager at the Mauritius Standards Bureau (MSB) and was a member of the Mauritas Advisory Council.  Mrs. Boygah is a recognised Auditor for Sustainable Tourism for the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), USA.

Deodass Appalswamy
Director Capacity Development, Corporate Services and Operations
Deodass Appalswamy

Deodass Appalswamy has been associated with the NPCC since the Council's very beginning in 2000 and has witnessed the continuous transformation of the NPCC year on year to better serve the economy and the society. In his capacity as Director Capacity Development, Corporate Services and Operations and former Officer-In-Charge from 2012 to 2018 and a brief period during the 2019/2020 financial year, he has been instrumental in the implementation of major projects to drive the productivity movement of Mauritius. Deodass Appalswamy is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in International Business and a Master Degree in Commerce.

Francoise Marechal Charlotte
Head Business Development and Consultancy
Francoise Marechal Charlotte

Françoise Marechal-Charlotte joined the NPCC in 2001. She is involved in the development and implementation of business development and consultancy strategies and activities of the NPCC. Her role also encompasses the formulation and elaboration of strategies for the effective implementation and monitoring of projects and servicing high level committees. Her areas of expertise include business growth facilitation in both public and private organisations as well the conception, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Productivity Improvement Programmes for SMEs and large corporates as well as public organisations. Françoise Marechal Charlotte holds a Master of Business Administration with specialisation in Human Resource Management, a Licence des Lettres Modernes and a Diploma in Communication studies.

Hemlata Ramsohok Jomadar
Lead Research, Advisory and Knowledge Management
Hemlata Ramsohok Jomadar

Hemlata Ramsohok Jomadar joined the NPCC in 2005. She is engaged in the design and implementation of research and knowledge management programmes relating to productivity and competitiveness, including identification of research partners. Besides, she also undertakes continuous data collection and review of the economic and developmental environment at national, regional and international level. She holds a BA Sociology, Psychology and Economics as well as an MSc Applied Economics with specialization in Economic policy and Development. She was formerly the Gender Focal Point at UNDP and Organising Officer at the Ministry of Gender. She was awarded the Mandela Washington Fellowship 2015, the International Centre for Human Development Fellowship (2014) and the ICCR Scholarship by the Indian Government (1999-2002).

Dr. Vimi Goorah
Lead Innovation, Advocacy and Entrepreneurship
Dr. Vimi Goorah

Dr. Vimi Goorah joined the NPCC in 2003. She is engaged in driving the creation and introduction of innovative solutions, particularly ICT solutions for NPCC's clients to enhance productivity and competitiveness. The position's core role is to develop innovative solutions that deliver measurabe client value. She oversees the development of solutions for clients by constantly monitoring and drawing on advances in innovation, data collection, analytics and technology to deliver the best available solutions to NPCC's clients. She holds a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) and Master of Science – Engineering Project Management as well as Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering and a Diploma in Computer Science. 

Shalini Mathaven
Lead Productivity and Competitiveness Academy
Shalini Mathaven

Shalini Mathaven joined the NPCC in 2001. Her role focuses on designing, developing, reviewing, planning and coordinating all activities pertaining to the Productivity and Competitiveness Learning Centre. She has also implemented in-plant productivity improvement workshops in public institutions and enterprises, carried out enterprise assessments (capability and economic productivity assessments) and worked out industry reports with the NPCC team. She holds a Master of science in Banking and Finance as well as a Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering and a Diploma in Computer Science. She is also a Certified Professional in Training Management.

Thierry Marechal
Innovation, Creativity and Design Specialist
Thierry Marechal

Thierry Marechal joined the NPCC in 2005. He is involved in the elaboration of innovative solutions, particularly Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions for the NPCC's stakeholders to enhance productivity and competitiveness. He is also involved in training activities and visual designs for NPCC projects. His role encompasses the design, delivery and coordination of training on innovation, productivity, competitiveness and quality related issues as well as soft skills training through the Innovation, Advocacy and Entrepreneurship unit. He holds a Master of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Brand Advertising and a Diploma in Visual and Marketing Communications. He is also trained in the application of innovation and design thinking in practice.

Jaikishen Pem (On Leave Without Pay)
Finance Specialist
Jaikishen Pem (On Leave Without Pay)

Jaikishen Pem joined the NPCC in 2002. He is involved in providing financial, administrative and operational support to the NPCC in view of ensuring effective delivery of services. He is responsible for the day-to-day financial operations of the Council. His role encompasses the budgeting exercise of the NPCC as well as developing external relationships with stakeholders and working closely with all units regarding budget allocation and financial controls. Jaikishen Pem is an affiliate of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA).

Debesh Beedasy
Communications, Public Relations and Marketing Specialist
Debesh Beedasy

Debesh Beedasy joined the NPCC in 2017 and is involved in the formulation, planning and implementation of the NPCC's communications, public relations and marketing strategy. Besides, he is also engaged in sensitisation and advocacy campaigns across different channels to help the NPCC achieve increasing visibility and building sustainable relationships with all stakeholders. As a former business journalist, he has worked for local and foreign media organisations with postings in India and Sri Lanka. He holds a Master of Arts in Marketing and Innovation, a Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Marketing Strategy, a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Diploma in Human Resource Management. He also holds a Diploma in Development Journalism and is an alumni of the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

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