
Pan African Productivity Association (PAPA)

The PAPA was founded through a declaration made by delegations representing six African countries at the 7th World Productivity Congress in Malaysia in November 1990. These countries (Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria and South Africa) constituted the first Interim Committee for PAPA. The declaration emanated from the Congress recognises the close relationship between productivity enhancement and sustained economic development. This initiative had the full support of the World Productivity Confederation of Productivity Science (WCPS).

PAPA is the umbrella organization, federating African National Productivity Organisations established for championing the enhancement of productivity in Africa in order to leverage the competitiveness of the African continent. The Executive Director of the NPCC currently holds the position of the First Vice President of the PAPA.

Click here to access the PAPA website.

The Japan Productivity Centre (JPC)

The JPC is a non-profit and non-governmental organization established in April 1994 through the merger of the JPC and the Social and Economic Congress of Japan (SECJ).

The JPC was established in 1955 to enhance the economic development of postwar Japan through the Productivity Movement. Since then, the JPC has continued to play a major role in promoting productivity in Japan’s industrial society and in improving the quality of people’s lives.

The SECJ was founded in 1973 with the objective of realizing a welfare society. It endeavored to develop a national consensus by addressing and presenting proposals for issues of national interest, such as welfare, energy and the environment.

Click here to access the JPC website.

International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC)

The NPCC is a Core Council Member of the ICQCC. Mauritius joined the 13 Coordinating Organisations in 2018. The Core Country Meeting of the ICQCC in 2018 in Singapore on the sidelines of the 2018 edition of the ICQCC, validated the membership of Mauritius with full support and proposition from India. The proposition was seconded by the Philippines and Bangladesh. The 13 members of the ICQCC include Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand.
Over the last 42 years, the ICQCC has been regarded as the de facto international event for work improvement teams to pitch their projects to an independent pool of international assessors, with the intent of attaining international recognition and cross-learning. Annually, ICQCC attracts between an average of 1,500 delegates from more than 330 teams across the 13 economies and beyond.

Click here to access the ICQCC website.

Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI)

The QCFI is recognised as the institution representing The Quality Circle Movement In India and has represented the country in several international forums. The organisation has successfully implemented Quality concepts under the Total Quality Management (TQM) umbrella across several industry verticals who have experienced a phenomenal enhancement of their work processes and productivity after implementation of Quality Concept Tools.

QCFI represents India in the 14 nation International Committee that has been set up for organising international conventions on Quality Concept Circle annually. To date, QCFI has organised three international conventions in India. In addition, chapter conventions and national conventions are held every year where members present case studies and technical papers are discussed by leading Quality Concept Practitioners.

Click here to access the QCFI website.

Kaizen Institute

The Kaizen Institute works with stakeholders to create processes that highlight problems, while simultaneously training and empowering their teams to solve them. The Kaizen Institute constantly engages in research, developing, publishing, and promoting various aspects of Continuous Improvement while partnering with clients, enabling them to implement sustainable improvements through consulting, training and benchmarking activities and guiding them on their KAIZEN™ journey. The KAIZEN™ Methodology has been gradually developed over many decades. It was publically and officially introduced to the world in the 1980’s as a systematic methodology through the best selling book, "Kaizen, the Key to Japan's Competitive Success" by Masaaki Imai, the founder of Kaizen Institute.

Click here to access the Kaizen Institute website.

World Bank

The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. It is not a bank in the ordinary sense but a unique partnership to reduce poverty and support development. Established in 1944, the World Bank Group is headquartered in Washington, D.C. The organisation has more than 10,000 employees in more than 120 offices worldwide. The NPCC has partnered with the World Bank to work on a regular, dedicated firm level survey on productivity and its enabling factors, along with a flagship report that will exploit the newly collected data to present policy-oriented research on key questions related to the productivity challenge in Mauritius.

Click here to access the World Bank website.

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