Participation requirements

Project portfolio: Participants are required to complete a project portfolio which describes all the steps they have gone through to come up with their innovation. A template will be provided for the project portfolio on the online platform.

Project Log: A template to record the attendance of participants.

The project portfolio should be ready during the assessment of projects.

Submission of Projects
The project portfolio should give details such as name of students/ team/ class/form and name of facilitator.
All ideas should be jotted down in the project portfolio.
The Design Thinking Process used to reach the innovation should be clearly explained.
In other words, the process followed should be well-documented (e.g. empathy map, problem statement and ideas generation can be illustrated)
The materials which have been used/or which can be used to develop the innovation should be listed.

Presentation of Projects
Participants will present their projects to a panel of jurors as per the conditions required.
The model/ prototype must be shown during the presentation.

Assessment by Jurors
All decisions of jurors are final and irrevocable. No correspondence will be entertained by the NPCC.
Each participant will receive a certificate of participation.
All projects will be judged under the same criteria.
Student(s) have to be prepared during the CreaThon/selection to make an oral presentation explaining their project.

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